
The Music Business:

For all those already working in the music industry

The music industry has always been a shining example of adaptability and innovation. In recent years, the entire cultural and creative industries have suffered, but the music industry in particular, especially the live entertainment sector, continues to be plagued by declining sales. Nevertheless, the market has already been able to recover somewhat in 2022 and stable growth is forecast for the coming years.

The top 10 music markets 2022, Source: FPI Global Music Report 2023

The digital music market in particular is growing continuously. In 2022, the German music industry generated a total of 2.07 billion euros from the sale of CDs, records, and downloads, as well as revenue from the streaming business, exceeding the 2 billion euro mark for the first time in 20 years. The fact that the music industry is still one of the most important sectors of the cultural and creative industries and that Germany is still the fourth largest music market in the world clearly shows how resilient and adaptable the industry is. Thanks to its high adaptability, for example through creative thinking, new networks or the establishment of decentralised work structures, the music industry offers sustainable and innovative jobs.

Revenue shares from music sales in 2022

Increasingly rapid social and technical changes require new skills in the music industry. New qualifications, future skills, and innovative abilities will become increasingly important in all areas of the music industry in the coming years. In one of the most diverse and dynamic industries, training and further education therefore play a central role. The qualification of skilled workers, whether newcomers or career changers, but also people who have been working in the industry for a long time, promotes the innovation and resilience of both employees and companies and thus works against the shortage of skilled workers within the music industry. Hamburg Music, for example, offers a variety of (inter)regional and local training programmes. With the nationally and internationally renowned Music Business Summer School as well as numerous free workshops, seminar series and discussion rounds with experts, the association ensures that competences are strengthened and future skills are promoted. You can find an overview of the various programmes here.